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supply, installation, service and maintenance of security systems



Smiths Security supplies a comprehensive range of intruder alarms, locks and shutters especially for the domestic market. We meet the requirements of modern life, whether your home is 500 years old or a brand new property. We can solve your security issues and give you peace of mind. As an NSI Gold Certified installer, we will meet all the requirements of your insurance company. We are a one-stop-shop for your security requirements.

Intruder Alarms  

Smiths Security is an approved installer for all types of intruder alarms, including Red Care and Dual Com communicated systems, audible only and Tele-dialler systems. We can install, service and maintain your alarm; whatever your requirements we can help. All our systems are designed to meet your requirements while offering value for money and traditional high levels of service.


Our locksmiths change locks, provide ‘suited keys’ and advise on all aspects of physical security, including a wide range of free-standing, wall and under-floor safes.

Access Control  

Smiths Security can provide telephone entry systems, magnetic fob, data lock, or electronic automated gates and doors, both wireless and hard-wired systems.


Our highly trained engineers can design, install and maintain all types of CCTV. Technology can offer a very impressive range of capabilities: area or specific coverage, scan and detect, low light or infrared, digital or analogue systems. Our knowledge and skill will ensure you obtain a well-designed, value-for-money system that meets your needs. Smiths Security can advise on the best solution for you.

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Curabitur felis erat, tempus eu, placerat et, pellentesque sed, purus. Sed sed diam. Nam nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.

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